If you have ever suffered a broken wrist, you will more likely appreciate what it means to grip things, hold a cutlery or type with the keyboard! You wake up in the morning and start your daily routine without a forethought of how debilitating it would have been to find out that your neck muscle has sprained upon waking up! Not until you hurt your little toe in an atmosphere of subzero Fahrenheit, you may never remember its existence and its importance.

We hardly appreciate what we have, but we feel it’s acceptable to be sad about what we don’t have. If we start to count, we’ll find out that our blessings outweighs our problems. The only reason we think our blessings don’t count is probably because we don’t count them. John Mason says, if you are not thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you have escaped.

We’ll all agree that the greater miracle is not what had happened but something that didn’t! The greater miracle is the trip or the journey devoid of any incidence. The greater miracle is the safe passage of food through the esophagus without complications. “While it is good to testify about healing, the greater miracle is staying healthy” [Pastor Sola Olowokere].

Be thankful for what you have and be grateful for what you don’t have too! Think about the things God gave to you as well as the things he held back and be thankful for them. Think of answered prayers as well as the seemingly unanswered ones. If it happens that you have a list of prayer requests, be careful to keep a list of answered prayers too.

Often, we ascribe blames to God for not sparing us from losses. The truth is that we should be appreciative of the fact that God has put a limit to the extent the devil can reach. The mission of the devil is not just to steal or to kill, but also to destroy.

We are swift to probe what goes wrong but barely notice all that went right. Instances of good things hardly ever find expression in the media. Perhaps, it’s for the mere statistics when it does!

“President Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Day proclamation encouraging Americans in every part of the United States, and those who are at sea, and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a Day of Thanksgiving…”

Thanksgiving day has been celebrated in the United States ever since. This is my take, while national day of thanksgiving is a welcome idea, I think a personal moment of recognition, and appreciation for each passing minute is a better approach!

Author: Ebenezer Banjo



Author: zenithshows

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